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Parent/Sibling/Other Significant Relationship: A group for adults whose parents, siblings, other other significant family/friends have died.
Spouse/Partner Loss over 55: A group for those whose spouse/partner has died after age 55.
Spouse Loss under 55: A group for those whose spouse/partner has died before age 55.
Suicide Loss: A group for those whose loved one has died by suicide.
Traumatic Loss: A group for those whose loved one has died in a traumatic event/manner (overdose, homicide, accident).
Child 1: A group for children ages 3-5 who have had a loved one die.
Child 2: A group for children ages 6-9 who have had a loved one die.
Child 3: A group for children ages 10-12 who have had a loved one die.
Teen: A group for teens who have had a loved one die.
Parent/Sibling/Other Significant Relationship: A group for adults whose parents, siblings, other other significant family/friends have died.
Child Loss over 18: A group for those whose child has died after age 18.
Child Loss under 18: A group for those whose child has died before age 18.
Reproductive Loss: A group for those who have experienced infertility, miscarriage, or stillbirth.
Virtual General Loss/Anticipatory Loss: A group for adults who have had a loved one die or who are anticipating the loss of a loved one.
Child 1: A group for children ages 3-5 who have had a loved one die.
Child 2: A group for children ages 6-9 who have had a loved one die.
Child 3: A group for children ages 10-12 who have had a loved one die.
Teen: A group for teens who have had a loved one die.
Groups will be assigned based on type of loss experienced.
Calm Waters
501 N Walker Ave, Suite 140
Oklahoma City, OK 73102
Free Parking in lots with Dowell Properties sign
Proud Partner Agency of the United Way of Central Oklahoma.
Copyright © 2024 Calm Waters. All rights reserved.